Kaz is teaching me a couple of things regarding the secret project so I'm very excited to be learning a new craft. We've been sorting out our aviaries more on the home front. Recently brought a pair of Jenday conures so they are settling in at the moment but are in quarrantine.
We'll take them to see Collin the bird vet probably some time next week just for a health check up. We always do that with new birds.
I've been inspired to try crochet again by my friend Anna, I met her in the Brown owls Craft group and I have just read her wonderful blog, its so cheery and nice. I'll try to edit her link in here later.
anyways these are some mini's I've done in time for Easter
Candy Fairyfloss girl wet felted and needle felted ornament

This next one is an Easter bunny!
needle felted and cute as a button

Great little characters!!