Hi all just wanted to show off a lovely needle felted dog I made recently for my other half, we can't have a dog as our yard isn't fenced in and we live right on a main road.

This is a isrish wolfhound. Made entirely out of wool roving, needle felted by me.
This week has been busy with school and appointments and on top of that our car died, totally and utterly died. It's amazing how much we rely on it and don't realize until its gone. I've also not been feeling great and thought I'd simplify our food and cooking.
But this isn't a food blog but I thought I would share with you what's on the menu for tonight, we're having a lot cooler weather, so beef stew is on the agenda.

all the hard work done by my slow cooker I found in an opshop for $10 a few weeks ago.
I also wanted to share this pic a rare loving moment between Wildy and Krissy my two favorite cats in the whole wide world (I just happen to be their slave)

Happy Thursday